Joint Replacement for the Treatment Area of Hip and Knee Arthritis

骨科 recognized by U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 2023 - 2024年

十大正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台希区柯克医疗中心在髋关节置换术和膝关节置换术方面表现优异 U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 in 2023-2024.

In our Joint Replacement Program, 我们的专家 manage hip and knee arthritis using evidence-based practices.

我们在1上执行,每年进行100次髋关节和膝关节置换手术,以帮助解决髋关节和膝关节关节炎的疼痛和管理. 我们是该地区最复杂的髋关节和膝关节置换术的转诊中心.

At Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC) in 黎巴嫩,新罕布什尔州, 我们看到了该地区一些最具挑战性的病例,是新罕布什尔州唯一的一级创伤中心和三级转诊中心.

了解更多 about joint replacement at DHMC:

Latest treatments and procedures

We offer non-surgical options for hip and knee arthritis. When the time for joint replacement comes, our surgeons perform:

  • Primary total joint replacement surgery, including minimally-invasive, 保留肌肉的手术入路(如髋关节置换术的直接前路)
  • 部分关节置换术
  • Outpatient total joint replacement surgery
  • Robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery

Our experts also focus on complex revision surgery including:

  • Revision hip and knee replacement surgery
  • Peri-prosthetic骨折
  • 复杂骨盆和髋臼手术及假体周围感染的治疗

从2015年6月第一次髋关节置换术到2016年7月第二次髋关节置换术,已经过去了7年多. 我要再次感谢. Wayne Moschetti and everyone else involved with my surgeries. 除了当我坐飞机的时候,我忘记了我做过手术,忘记了我的身体里有金属, I do not have any adverse effects from the surgeries. 在过去的7年多里,能够成为一个没有疼痛或不适的完全活跃的人是很棒的. 我看不出有什么理由不让这种情况在未来许多年继续下去.

Tom, hip replacement patient


When you choose us to help you with joint pain, we will offer you:

  • 病人护理的共同决策方法:你和你的外科医生将共同决定什么是正确的选择,让你更好, faster; ultimately, the decision on a treatment option is yours to make
  • 一个全面的联合项目,包括广泛的术前评估和物理和职业治疗评估
  • 广泛的, 训练有素的, dedicated team of providers all focused on you, 包括外科医生, 护士, 医师助理, physical and occupational therapists, 社会工作者, 和护士
  • 一个个性化的关节置换术教育项目,包括现场教学, DVD, 和教育装订本
  • 有机会参与不断改进和引领未来关节置换术的研究
  • 隶属于 Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College, one of the largest implant retrieval labs in the country, 涉及骨科植入物的开创性研究在哪里进行
  • 只有全国排名的学术医疗中心才能提供的知识和研究背景. 我们治疗本地区最复杂的关节问题和创伤性损伤,所以我们有经验来帮助您, no matter what you may be experiencing.


十大正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台卫生’s orthopedic surgeons perform more than 2,200 primary joint replacements and revisions each year, 使他们成为新罕布什尔州最有经验的关节外科医生之一, 佛蒙特州, 和缅因州.

When you choose us for your joint replacement procedure, you can expect high-quality, 全面的护理——从你最初的咨询开始,一直持续到你的康复. Your surgical journey may include:

  • 外科咨询. During your surgical consultation, 你将与你的整形外科医生讨论你的病情和治疗方案. 你的外科医生将检查你最近的图像,以确定关节置换是否合适,并与你讨论手术方法.
  • Focus on pre-surgical wellness. 我们的骨科医生知道,成功的关节置换手术在手术前就开始了. 您的护理团队将仔细评估您潜在并发症的风险,并与您一起帮助您戒烟, 控制血糖水平, 减轻体重,改善整体健康,增加你顺利康复的机会.
  • Convenient, close-to-home care. 你可以选择在黎巴嫩的十大正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台希区柯克医疗中心进行关节置换手术, 新汉普郡, or at a member hospital in your own community. Robotic-assisted joint replacement technology 目前在十大正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台希区柯克医疗中心和爱丽丝派克纪念日纪念医院.
  • Advanced surgical techniques. 你的外科医生将使用先进的手术技术来减少失血, minimize infection and blood clot risk, 减轻术后疼痛, and improve your surgical experience.
  • Outpatient joint replacement. 我们为符合资格和安全标准的患者提供门诊关节置换手术. 选定的病人可以选择避免住院过夜,在自己舒适的家中康复.
  • App-based指导, monitoring and communication. 你可以使用远程监控应用程序来指导你完成关节置换过程. 除了让您直接与您的骨科团队沟通, 该应用程序还包括术前和术后的视频指导和练习, as well as information on recovery.

Keep up with your orthopaedic recovery plan

Force Therapeutics的标志

As part of your joint replacement care, 您将受益于使用我们的数字患者工具从力治疗. 这个在线工具可以让你:

  • Participate in online interactive classes
  • 为手术做准备
  • View physical therapy videos
  • Receive email and text reminders to keep you on track
  • Record progress towards your recovery goal

Your joint replacement team will have access to your profile and data, which will also be shared in your electronic medical record. 您的医疗服务提供者将监视您的进展,以确保您达到您的个人恢复里程碑.

了解更多 about joint replacement



Blue Distinction Center for Knee and 髋关节置换手术®

Our Joint Replacement Program is designated as a Blue Distinction Center for Knee and 髋关节置换手术 基于我们对优质护理的承诺, 使接受膝关节和髋关节置换术的患者获得更好的总体结果.

Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital is designated as a Blue Distinction Center for Knee & 髋关节置换手术 由Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield (Blue Cross Blue Shield Association的独立授权公司)提供.

Aetna Institute of Quality® Orthopedic Care Facility

The Aetna Institute recognizes our Joint Replacement Program as an Aetna Institute of Quality® Orthopedic Surgery Facility. 这一称号是对Aetna网络中为某些健康状况提供专业临床服务的医院和设施的认可. 选择设施是为了始终如一地提供基于证据的安全护理.